An education based on Christ, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, with the purpose of inspiring in new generations a life of faith in God and respect for all human beings, is what the Adventist Education Network, part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, promotes.
Adventist education is present in more than 150 countries and has around 2 million students worldwide. It is characterized by promoting integral development, not only with academic knowledge, but also by ensuring spiritual, physical, and social growth.
"Our dream is to continue providing a quality service with a clear Adventist identity. Promoting this in the next generations, our classrooms are prepared with the latest technology … We want parents to continue trusting in an education that instills love and obedience to God," says Professor Abel Apaza, Education director for the South Peru Union (UPS) of Seventh-day Adventists.
First Google Classroom Innovation in an Adventist School

Miraflores Adventist Academy, which belongs to the South Central Adventist Educational Association (ASEACES) of the UPS, inaugurated its new infrastructure with a special program that also included the presentation of the first Google Classroom, a modern, innovative, dynamic educational system that today is the first of its kind installed in an Adventist school in Peru.
"We have enabled innovative environments to favor active learning enhanced by technology … They now have a 'mobile car' capable of storing up to 36 Chromebooks [laptops designed to use online web applications and cloud storage]," explained Maria Alejandra Cruz, founder of EDULINK, the first Google partner specialized in education in South America and provider/advisor at Miraflores.
New Facilities at Miraflores Adventist Academy

After the remodeling stage was completed, finally, students of the primary level, parents, teachers, church leaders, and guests were able to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the new facilities of Miraflores Adventist Academy in the city of Lima. The following were handed over: finished façade, properly equipped classrooms, Google Classroom, and two implemented gymnasiums.
Undoubtedly, Adventist education is at the forefront of educational advances, and "for this achievement here have been involved multiple disciplines … the challenge is that all Adventist schools have this type of interactive classrooms," said Pastor Heber Bendezú, president of the Central Peru Conference, administrative headquarters of the Adventist Church for the department of Ica, some of the districts of Lima, Cañete, and some provinces of the departments of Huancavelica and Ayacucho.
See more photos of the inauguration of Google Classroom below:
Miraflores Adventist College. (Photo: Communications)













The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Spanish-language news site.