Southern Asia-Pacific Division

Adventist Church in Malaysia Gears Up with 'Alive in Jesus' Convention, Readies for New Curriculum Implementation

The convention introduced leaders to the new 'Alive in Jesus' Sabbath School curriculum designed for children and youth.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Faridah Lausin, with ANN Staff
Empowered Children's Ministry leaders are certified and fully equipped to implement the latest curriculum crafted by the GC Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department.

Empowered Children's Ministry leaders are certified and fully equipped to implement the latest curriculum crafted by the GC Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department.

[Photo courtesy of the CHM of Malaysia Union Mission]

From April 7 to 10, 2024, Children’s Ministries leaders (CHM) from the Seventh-day Adventist Church across the Southern Asia-Pacific region (SSD) convened in Kuala Lumpur for the 2024 Alive in Jesus (AIJ) Sabbath School Training Convention. Directors from unions, conferences, and missions, as well as CHM leaders from eleven SSD unions, were present at this meeting. The convention aimed to introduce leaders to the new Sabbath School curriculum, Alive in Jesus, designed for children from birth to 14 and youth aged 15 to 18, and to equip them with the skills needed to implement the AIJ curriculum effectively.

The convention featured Dr. Orathai Chureson and Mrs. Nilde Itin, the General Conference (GC) Children’s Ministries director and associate director, respectively, who joined remotely via Zoom to discuss the rationale, goals, and pillars of the AIJ curriculum. The convention welcomed speakers from SSD, including Segundino Asoy, director of Sabbath School/Personal Ministries (SS/PM), and Stephen Salainti, vice-president of Leadership Development (LEAD). Both urged attendees to remain steadfast in their dedication to serving and nurturing children, emphasizing the significance of preparing them for future service and their role in the kingdom.

Danita Caderma, director of SSD Children’s Ministries, along with Melodie Mae Inapan, the CHM director of the Central Philippine Union Conference (CPUC), Dr. Surapee Sorajjakool, the CHM director of the Southeastern Union Mission (SEUM), and Mrs. Maliana Tambunan, the CHM director of the West Indonesia Union Mission (WIUM), took turns introducing the Baby Steps, Kindergarten, Primary, and Junior divisions of the AIJ curriculum. Live demonstrations were conducted to show how to apply the guidelines in the AIJ teacher guides and how to practice fun and interactive learning strategies in Sabbath school classes.

The AIJ curriculum, developed by the GC Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department, will replace the Gracelink curriculum starting in 2025, beginning with the Baby Steps and Beginner divisions. The training was both necessary and timely because it equipped children’s leaders to facilitate a seamless transition from the Gracelink to the AIJ curriculum, all while upholding the biblical mandate to “train up a child in the way he should go.” Some attendees expressed appreciation for the similarities between the two curricula, which makes the transition process easier.

Looking ahead, further AIJ training will be provided at the mission level in Malaysia to ensure a smooth transition and continued spiritual nurturing for children and youth in the churches.

The original article was published on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division website.

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