In one of the beautiful landscapes of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, the Parque da Cidade, a race organized by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) was held in two modalities: in-person and virtually, in a unifying, inclusive way.
Every year, the ADRA RUNNERS project brings together people who are already part of other projects in a single event, which aims to promote health, expand knowledge about ADRA, and raise funds for the social actions developed. In its fifth edition, the race had a new element: the inclusion of people with disabilities (PCD), who, besides participating in the challenge, contributed with their stories of changes that happened with the help of ADRA. One of them ran with crutches.
People of different age groups proved the benefits of the search for a healthier life. Claudivânia Elaine, one of the runners, who had been preparing for a long time, told her story and commented that she started her athletic activities after being diagnosed with depression. During the pandemic period, she received an invitation from ADRA to participate, and since then, she has won more than 30 trophies and medals.

According to Elaine, "ADRA helped me a lot because it brought me out of the deep end; it brought me hope to want to live. Today, I take care of my health, doing what I like, and I always put God first." Besides the search for improvements for her own life, Elaine shares with others the importance of prioritizing a good physical, mental, and spiritual development. And the children, from an early age, already follow her example.
Caring for Others and the Environment
A mobile biodigester machine, created by Israeli technologists, drew participants’ attention. They could deposit organic waste, which is part of a process that made sustainability possible, in practice, in an effective way. According to those responsible, "It is a technology, today, that brings a solution for the organic residue, which is currently a villain. The equipment, which prevents the release, per year, of 1460 kilograms of residue, is beneficial to the environment and to human beings.”

Erinaldo Costa, ADRA's coordinator for Northeast Brazil, points out that the challenge also encouraged people to donate food and other items, in solidarity with families in vulnerable situations. In addition, he reaffirms a constant mission: "ADRA is a bridge of hope for people living on the margins of society".

ADRA Brasil promoted the race throughout the country in its 16 regional offices. Several participants ran on their own, virtually registering their participation.
Present in over 130 countries, ADRA executes community development and humanitarian assistance projects without any political, racial, religious, age, gender, or ethnic distinction. Throughout the year, the runners are always in activities that encourage the practice of athletics, which contributes to a better quality of life.
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The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Portuguese-language news site.