Noteworthy Videos

A Message from Pastor Ted Wilson: The Ministry of Reconciliation

It’s been more than 2,000 years since Jesus walked the dusty roads of Palestine. Yet, God is the same today as He was yesterday—reaching His hand out in reconciliation. Pastor Ted Wilson and his wife, Nancy, explore this topic, including God’s ministry of healing wounds, making people whole, and offering us the opportunity to be united in Him.

As prophecy foretold, we believe that Jesus came to this earth as a babe, lived a life filled with a heaven-sent purpose, died and rose again, and is now ministering on our behalf in the heavenly sanctuary. And soon, He will come again to take us home! 

Follow this weekly series with Pastor Ted Wilson to counter the devil's deception with the truth of God. 

🔗 For a detailed look at the ministry of Jesus for, to, and toward us, visit