Noteworthy Videos

A Message from Pastor Ted Wilson: How to Interpret the Bible

Are ancient texts relevant to our lives today? Pastor Ted Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, discusses the importance of the Bible, explaining that it is God's Word to us, revealing His truth and drawing us closer to Him as we follow His divine counsel outlined in its precious pages.

Are ancient texts relevant to our lives today? Pastor Ted Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, discusses the importance of the Bible, explaining that it is God's Word to us, revealing His truth and drawing us closer to Him as we follow His divine counsel outlined in its precious pages.

To truly hear God speaking, we must approach the Scriptures believing that they are indeed the supreme, authoritative, and infallible revelation of His will. Today, we see in some places a lack of understanding of the Bible and how to interpret it, as well as actual antagonism against the Word of God. Nevertheless, the Seventh-day Adventist Church believes in the authenticity and authority of God’s Word—the Holy Bible, and it is to be applied to all people, everywhere, for all time.

Follow this weekly series with Pastor Ted Wilson to counter the devil's deception with the truth of God. Click here to learn more about Adventists and "The Holy Scriptures":