Pr Wilson: What is the True Mission that God has Called Us to Do?

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In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson will talk about an especially important question—What is the very important #mission #God has called us, as His #Church, to carry out during these distressing and tumultuous end-times?

Seventh-day Adventists have been called for a special work—to lift up Christ and His Word, His righteousness, His sanctuary message, His health message, His saving power in the gospel, His Three Angels’ messages, and His soon coming. We are to assist in the work of the Holy Spirit, pointing people to the cross of Christ and His intercession for us in the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary. And we are to do this in a very practical, spiritual way as Jesus did—touching people’s lives directly.

Christ’s #ministry was a very balanced ministry—helping in a temporal sense—alleviating suffering where He could, but always with eternal, spiritual results in mind. He came to relieve not literal captives, but those who were captives of Satan. He offered spiritual release from sinful bondage. Today, there are so many captives to sin—immorality abounds, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco hold many in a slavish grasp. Pornography, anger, hatred, bigotry and more bind people in sin and sorrow. But, praise God, Jesus came to set people free from Satan’s bondage, and today He works through us as we lovingly help others as Jesus did.

Christ came to open eyes, not only of those who were physically blind, but those who were spiritually blind. He came to set at liberty those who were oppressed, those “bruised” spiritually—those who were discouraged, feeling hopeless and helpless. God calls us to reach out to such individuals today with hope and healing, pointing them to the Savior who alone can heal, and who alone can transform hearts.

As we reach out to a hurting world, ministering to the many needs today, let us, as Jesus did, always keep the eternal in view, realizing that only He can regenerate the heart.