They Washed More than 40 Cars in One Day in Exchange for Non-perishable Food

Young people washing their car in one of the four established centers. Photo: IASD Pathfinder San Martín, Entre Ríos. [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

South American Division

They Washed More than 40 Cars in One Day in Exchange for Non-perishable Food

Within the framework of Holy Week, the young people from Libertador San Martin, Entre Ríos, carried out a community activity that caught the attention of residents and visitors.

Brazil | Alexis Villar

Kilograms and kilograms of non-perishable food were piled up in the four centers where the “Solidarity Laundry” project was carried out. This plan was born in the hearts of the young people of Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos, Argentina, and strongly impacted the community in a positive way.

The proposal was clear: Bring some non-perishable food, and we'll wash your car for free. And so it was. On Sunday, April 4, at the close of Holy Week and after a week of preaching, the young people got to work and washed more than 40 cars of different sizes that arrived during the day. The vehicles also received a kind of "fine" on their windshields, but with the clarification that God had already paid their debt.

“Even many people who came to the Adventist Sanatorium and saw us washing the cars also joined the project and donated food. They were people who were not from our community, and they were very astonished by the activity. The truth is that it was a great blessing,” says Bruno Flores, district youth pastor and project coordinator.

The organized work by young people and adults made many participate and volunteer their time to set up the car washes, wash the vehicles, and donate cleaning supplies and water. “Conquistadors, the brotherhood, and members of the community also participated. This activity amply met our expectations”, says the project leader.

Rocío Messaro, 21, a participant in the project, highlighted the predisposition of young people to serve others. Additionally, Efraín Sanguino, 37, pointed out it was a privilege to be part of the project and serve "with our gifts and talents." "We liked the activity because we were able to help each other and help other people," says Erica González, 28, another participant in ”Solidarity Laundry.”

The food and money raised from the activity were distributed to previously identified families and youth who were in need. Pastor Bruno points out that “it was an integral task of young people and conquerors who managed to identify these needs, and it was possible to collaborate”.

Autumn Caleb

Like this community activity, there were hundreds across the country. More than 2,800 {church members?} from Argentina joined the church plan by opening and serving Holy Week evangelism centers. Young people sang on the trains, organized clothing and snack fairs, assisted families with financial needs, and visited people with health problems, among other activities.

From the Youth Ministry of the Adventist Church in the country, they highlighted that the young people invite the people with whom they made contact in the first part of the year to the Holy Week centers with the aim of inviting them to study the Bible. Pastor Roque Roselot, a youth leader at the national level, emphasizes that on this date, "these activities on the public highway serve to tell the community the meaning of Christ's death." And many decided to study the Bible thanks to the impact activities they carried out.

Preaching and Evangelism Centers

The Adventist Church in Argentina, from Sabbath, March 27, to Sabbath, April 3, a special time when people are more willing to hear messages of hope, love, and compassion, organized, thanks to the efforts of leaders and brothers, thousands of evangelism centers, both physical and virtual, throughout the country. Under the slogan "Restored in Christ", Pastor Darío Caviglione, president of the Adventist Church in Argentina, highlights that "children, adolescents, youth, and adults joined the campaign in the [churches], classrooms, houses, and schools."

It should be noted that the appropriate security measures were adopted for each occasion at the physical meeting places. "The entire church was involved in this sense," says Pastor Iván Rosales, Personal Ministry leader of the Adventist Church in our country. “We had excellent attendance. Many friends and visitors have signed up to study the Bible. And thanks to the Lord, we were able to close this Holy Week with many baptisms throughout the country”.

“We are grateful to God, the pastors, and the members involved for everything that has been done this week. We also thank the leaders of the South American Division who accompanied us, such as Pastor Bruno Raso and Pastor Campitelli, for supporting, accompanying, and preaching [virtually]. It was a great blessing to have them all week,” Caviglione emphasizes.

“Now we are preparing to visit, guide, and accompany all the people who have decided to study the word of God. We will continue to be involved in strengthening the interest in those people who want to know more about God. What was done and will be done will allow many more people to be in the kingdom of heaven”, concludes Pastor Rosales.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site