General Conference

Great Controversy Project 2.0 Encourages Personal Discipleship.

Silver Spring, Maryland, United States

Ruth Hodge, ANN
GC PUBPRE Great Controversy Project

GC PUBPRE Great Controversy Project

As the world continues to face seeming uncertainty as we look into the future, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is encouraging the Total Member Involvement of all to be part of a new, reprised initiative of sharing Biblical truth, The Great Controversy Project.

Ted N C Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, believes The Great Controversy Project 2.0 is a special opportunity for every member of the worldwide Adventist church to share truth in this time. “The best way to witness is person to person,” Elder Wilson said. He noted that the personal sharing of Biblical truth in this age is as important as it ever was, in person, or electronically.

As the project begins its production stage, there is an intentional approach to making millions of copies of “The Great Controversy” reach the hands and homes of people searching for truth in these times. Wilson adds that “the greatest witness and the most common way [to share this resource] will be person to person… sharing what Jesus has done for you and witnessing for the Lord during these last days of earth’s history.” The project reflects the intention of the worldwide church to reach Total Member Involvement, which Wilson simply and succinctly states is “everyone doing something for Jesus in anticipation of His soon coming.” 

“The Great Controversy is the one book Ellen White asked to be circulated more than any other book she had written since it has a careful account going from the period of the early Christian church through to the end of time, sharing wonderful insights about last day events.” Wilson spoke of this express wish of Ellen White, who shared the following thought:

“The Lord impressed me to write this book in order that without delay it might be circulated in every part of the world, because the warnings it contains are necessary for preparing a people to stand in the day of the Lord.” (Ellen G. White, Manuscript 24, 1891)

For Elder Wilson, there is a great hope that people reading The Great Controversy will be blessed. Speaking of what they will find through this experience, he said that “they will find a God who is constantly protecting and caring for His people and gives them the power to meet every difficulty…” Talking of the content of the book itself, he went on to share: “I know people who read The Great Controversy will see God’s hand in His church down through the ages and it will inspire them to commit their lives to Him as we proclaim the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 and say to the Lord, “I Will Go” and share these precious messages.”

The Great Controversy Project 2.0 takes its name and purpose from the initial project that was launched in 2011. The aim was to distribute tens of millions of copies of the book in order to give countless individuals, families, and communities insight into the reality of what is going on in our world. Ten years later, the project seeks to expand the reach to millions of millions of people through personal effort.

With a noticeable shift in technology and access to the internet worldwide, The Great Controversy Project 2.0 has increased not only the amount of copies of “The Great Controversy”, but also offers a wider availability of languages, as well as reading plans and the possibility to read online.

The book will be made available in over 70 languages by 2023, when the project is expected to officially launch. This is a huge undertaking, and one involving church members from all over the world providing their talents and willing spirits to the translation and preparation of the content of the book.

At a time where free movement of church members, preachers and missionaries has been limited, the importance of literature distribution has once again proven itself to be at the forefront of Adventist mission. Approaches to sharing the book with personal efforts could look like sharing information “on-site with someone or through electronic media.” The main advice Elder Wilson shared was to “make contact with others about truth under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.” 

The Great Controversy Project 2.0 combines the missional impact of Hope Channel, Adventist World Radio, The White Estate and Review and Herald, with the intention of making a resource relevant to this time in earth’s history more accessible to all.

In the meantime, members are encouraged to acquaint (or reacquaint) themselves with the book, to both foster wisdom for these last days, and to be ready to engage in conversations with those new to the book, and new to the idea of the great controversy itself. Divisions will be involved in promoting and circulating the resources in preparation for the launch in 2023.

You can be involved in the promotion of, and the sharing of testimonies for, The Great Controversy Project 2.0 by heading to the Facebook Page [LINK] or by joining the Telegram group [LINK]. For other frequently asked questions or to participate in the distribution initiative of your own church division, head to

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