Pr Wilson Shares the New Strategic Plan of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

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As Seventh-day Adventists, we are people with a mission. We are people with a purpose, and what a privilege it is to be called by God to join Him in His amazing mission and a purpose in these last days of Earth's history.

In the past few months, we've seen how quickly world events can change almost overnight, as it were. World economies were hit hard, community and business life almost shut down, and, of course, we've also seen terrible loss in human life. This has brought many challenges to our world church, to our institutions, to our mission activities, to our local churches, and to our church members.

Despite the uncertainty and fear surrounding us, God is still leading His Church and we know that we can look forward with confidence and certainty to the future. Today, in 2020, we can also cast away fear and be glad and rejoice because we know the Lord will again do great things as we see prophecy being fulfilled and Christ's Second Coming approaching. Under His guidance God's Church is moving forward and the Lord continues to do great things.

We praise God for tremendous advances in Mission to the Cities and Comprehensive Health Ministry and evangelism, in entering new areas of the globe, in reaching new people groups. We see hundreds of thousands of church members joyfully involved in Total Member Involvement. We see a renewed commitment among church members to Revival and Reformation. We see the Church coming together with a strong focus on mission. As we move forward, as a Church, to implement the key objectives of the “Reach the World: I Will Go” strategic plan, we must do so in deep humility and in utter reliance on the Holy Spirit.

Learn more about the ‘I Will Go’ strategic plan: