South American Division

Young People in Sergipe Donate Blood to ICU Patients

Global Youth Day mobilized donors who followed health protocols to prevent coronavirus


Luciana Santana Diniz
In all, 43 young people from the city of Tobias Barreto donated blood this Sabbath [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

In all, 43 young people from the city of Tobias Barreto donated blood this Sabbath [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

In the pandemic period of the new coronavirus, the demand for blood banks grew considerably throughout the country. Therefore, more than 200 young Adventists from the Sergipe cities of Lagarto and Tobias Barreto joined forces and decided to celebrate Global Youth Day, in which Adventist youth do good for the community. This past Sabbath, March 20, they donated blood at the José Viera Filho Medical Center, located in the city of Lagartense.

Plans were previously scheduled to avoid crowding, and all protective measures to combat COVID-19 were followed carefully. The mobilization of blood donation took place during the week through social networks, motivated by the virtual challenges aimed at young people in South America.

Emanuelle Imperatriz, 20, lives in Tobias Barreto, a city bordering the State of Bahia. At 5 a.m., she was getting ready to go to Lagarto. A regular donor, she says contributing to the blood bank in this pandemic phase was very special and significant.

“Some unforeseen events happened during the week, and our Youth Club almost gave up on coming to the city of Lagarto today to make the donation. But the need for the blood bank was constantly being publicized, and we were sensitized to come, following all security protocols. On our day, World Adventist Youth Day, we had the opportunity to save many lives that were affected by COVID-19. I am very happy and with a sense of mission accomplished”, she emphasizes.

Year-round Good Deeds

Paulo Celso, the biomedical supervisor of the Operations and Logistics sector of the Institute of Hematology of Hemotherapy of Sergipe, affirms that all the security measures have been thought out and planned to preserve the health of the donors and patients of the institution. “We are strictly following health protocols to combat COVID-19 to protect our blood donors and patients. It was a blessing to receive donations from young people in the Adventist Church in this critical pandemic moment that we are going through”, he analyzes.

According to Pastor Denill Morais, director of youth in the State of Sergipe, World Adventist Youth Day is also a day to celebrate the social actions that young people carry out throughout the year. “Young people donated blood this Sabbath, which is celebrated on their day. But this is the lifestyle of this group throughout the year. Congratulations to our warriors who, even in the midst of a pandemic, have been looking for alternative, creative, and safe ways to preach about the love of Jesus and help others”, he underlines.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site

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