Young Adults Gather in Christchurch for Ignite 2022

New Zealand

Record Staff
 In its second year, the event is a joint initiative of the South and North New Zealand conferences.[Courtesy of Adventist Record]

In its second year, the event is a joint initiative of the South and North New Zealand conferences.[Courtesy of Adventist Record]

More than 75 young people gathered at Pascoe Park in Christchurch, New Zealand, to connect with each other and be equipped in their faith journey at the second Ignite event, held June 24–26. The event is run annually by the youth departartments of both the North and South New Zealand conferences, with last year’s event being held on the North Island at Hamilton Church.

This year’s event featured several workshops, a prayer space, a sports evening at MainPower Stadium, and many activities designed to facilitate new connections and friendships. Five speakers from across New Zealand presented engaging messages throughout the weekend: Victor Kulakov, NZ Union Conference discipleship director; Hannah Andrykanus, Tauranga Church associate pastor; Pastor Sarah-Jane Riley, South NZ Conference (SNZ) discipleship director; Keli Pepa, Orewa Church pastor; and Pastor Lance Boulton, Christchurch School chaplain.

The event received positive feedback from attendees who expressed they loved the workshops and the chance to go deep into practical topics that helped them to grow in their walk with Jesus.

“Overall, the event did a wonderful job of drawing the young adults closer to God and to each other, equipping and strengthening them in their faith, and providing a space uniquely suited to their needs,” said Pastor Jerry Flynn, SNZ Young Adults director.

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