South American Division

Women Lead Social Actions in Espírito Santo

In celebration of International Women's Day, volunteers developed solidarity activities across the state


Leonardo Saimon
In Goiabeiras, Women’s Ministries will assist homeless women living in the neighborhood [Photo Credit: André Azevedo]

In Goiabeiras, Women’s Ministries will assist homeless women living in the neighborhood [Photo Credit: André Azevedo]

Women star in numerous solidarity actions in Espírito Santo [Photo Credit: André Azevedo]
Women star in numerous solidarity actions in Espírito Santo [Photo Credit: André Azevedo]

In commemoration of International Women's Day, volunteers from the Seventh-day Adventist Church carry out solidarity activities throughout Espírito Santo, Brazil. The movement took place on Sabbath, March 5, the weekend before the official date, celebrated Tuesday, March 8. The Ação Mulher project aims to strengthen the role of women in front of spaces inside and outside the church through humanitarian initiatives.

Currently, women represent about 52 percent of the public inside Adventist churches in North-Central Espírito Santo and are at the forefront of the most diverse projects promoted by the Adventist Church.

“The strength of women within our churches is great. And we want, at this moment, to motivate them to self-care, to care for each other, and for other women inserted in communities close to our churches,” explains Viviane Zahn, one of the organizers of the Ação Mulher no Espírito Santo project.

Women for Solidarity

In the Goiabeiras neighborhood, women prepare a personal care kit for homeless people. A waterproof bag was delivered with slippers, absorbent pad, damp cloth, toothpaste, and some other accessories. In addition to the kit, the assisted women will receive a snack prepared especially for this occasion.

In Serra, locals took over the municipal Pop Center and held an afternoon of beauty with the women of the space. To raise the self-esteem of this group, there was a haircut, legal advice, and a lecture on self-care. This is the third time the group has visited the place with social activities.

At Vitória Central Adventist Church, women collected bed linen, table linen, bath linen, household items, toys, and clothes. The items were delivered to the Care and Guidance House for Children and Adolescents, located in the Maria Ortiz neighborhood.

Serenades and Healthcare

In Colatina, young people visited the hemodialysis sector of Hospital Santa Rosa and serenaded patients there. In addition to the songs, the volunteers handed out roses, along with cards, and closed the visitation moment by praying for the patients. The women of the medical staff of Hospital São José, also in Colatina, received breakfast to start the day in a special way. In Ecoporanga, the volunteers promoted a Health Fair that offered a solidarity bazaar, prayer tent, haircut, blood pressure measurement, and breakfast.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s news site


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