South Pacific Division

Summit Equips Leaders to Grow Missional Sabbath Schools in Local Churches


Lorraine Atchia
Sabbath School Summit in the Western Australian Conference. [Photo Courtesy of Adventist Record]

Sabbath School Summit in the Western Australian Conference. [Photo Courtesy of Adventist Record]

More than 450 people attended the Sabbath School for Life Summit that was held at five venues across Australia and online on May 20–21.

The summit was open to Sabbath School leaders, facilitators, and attendees in order to help inspire, equip, and encourage them to grow missional Sabbath Schools in local churches.

Guest speakers included Pastor Mark Finley, evangelist and former host and director of It Is Written, Curtis Hall, Sabbath School Coaching founder, and Pastor Cristian Copaceanu, South New South Wales Conference president. There was also a live panel from the Western Australian Conference that spoke about how they are nurturing Sabbath School in their local churches. 

“We were really pleased with the number of registrations and attendees we received for the event,” said Pastor Lyndelle Peterson, director of Sabbath School at the Australian Union Conference (AUC). “Holding a hybrid online and in-person event meant that smaller rural churches could get the same training as the larger city churches. No one was left out, and people were able to meet as Sabbath School leaders in their church and have their own discussions while being trained and equipped.” 

According to Pastor Peterson, the event ran smoothly, and the organisation of the Sabbath School directors across Australia proved to be successful, allowing the panel to join from Perth, Pastor Copaceanu from Sydney, and Curtin Hall from Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The summit also allowed attendees to have discussions in groups, giving them time to provide key points back to all the attendees.

This article was originally published on the website of Adventist Record

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