General Conference

Revitalizing the Mission by Strengthening Families

Celebrating Christian Home and Marriage Week

United States

Anais Anderson, ANN
Christian Home and Marriage Week

Christian Home and Marriage Week

In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve and gave them the charge, “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28). In doing this, God established the family—the very foundation of society and the church. “It is the primary setting in which values are learned, and the capacity for close relationships with God and with other human beings is developed.”1

The direct correlation between the health of the family and the well-being of the church and its effectiveness in carrying out its God-given mission cannot be overestimated, which is why Adventist Family Ministries exists. Adventist Family Ministries, a department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, aims to develop tools and resources to help families develop and nurture their family relationships as they seek the divine ideal – love, unity, and harmony in accordance with the principles of God’s eternal Kingdom. 

With this goal in focus, the Church has set apart one week every year in February to recognize the importance of the Christian home and marriage. This year, Christian Home and Marriage Week takes place from February 11th - February 18th and embraces two Sabbaths: Christian Marriage Day (February 11), which emphasizes Christian marriage, and Christian Home Day (February 18), which emphasizes parenting. 

Your family's mental health is vital. [Photo: Adventist Family Ministries]
Your family's mental health is vital. [Photo: Adventist Family Ministries]

An Emphasis on Mental Health

As today’s families face unprecedented trials and circumstances due to turbulent world conditions, family stress, and emotional crises are at an all-time high. In an effort to address these stressors and equip families to practically bring the hope of Jesus into everyday life, the theme of this year’s Christian Home and Marriage Week centers around mental health. The World Church, through Family Ministries, has committed itself to “assist and support families with tools that will help them communicate more effectively, deepen their commitment in marriage, become better parents, and develop greater trust in God—the primary and leading source of mental health.”2

Every year during this special emphasis week, Adventist families and marriages are revitalized as they come together and recommit themselves to God and their families. As couples receive hope and practical skills to strengthen their marriage and enhance godly parenting, the church, and ultimately, the world, feels the impact. Adventist Family Ministries’ Directors, Willie and Elaine Oliver, encourage churches everywhere to utilize the resources available. After all, they expressed, it is only “when we have strong and healthy marriages, that we are more likely to have strong and healthy families; then, we are more likely to have strong and healthy churches that can preach the Gospel with power and joy to help hasten the coming of Jesus Christ” and His eternal Kingdom.

Families and Mental Health. [Photo: Adventist Family Ministries]
Families and Mental Health. [Photo: Adventist Family Ministries]


In collaboration with world divisions, the Family Ministries department has published a Family Ministries Resource Book, which includes sermons, seminars, children’s stories, and other leadership resources that may be used by churches worldwide during Christian Home and Marriage Week. The 2023 Adventist Family Ministries Resource Book is titled Families and Mental Health and is available in several different languages, including English, Spanish, French, and Italian.

Download Families and Mental Health together with corresponding PowerPoint presentations for each seminar and promotional materials, at



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