South American Division

Over 6,000 Young People Dedicate Holidays to Community Service in Mato Grosso

From Cuiabá to Nova Mutum, the Mission Caleb project brings hope and transformation through volunteering and community service.


Noemi Almeida
Black Stone Calebs collect food for needy families (Photo: Disclosure)

Black Stone Calebs collect food for needy families (Photo: Disclosure)

More than 6,000 young Adventists from the eastern region of Mato Grosso, Brazil, dedicated their holidays in a special way this year. They participated in the Caleb Mission project, an initiative that promotes volunteerism, social service, and witness. With the aim of bringing hope and sharing the love of Jesus, they have carried out actions in different communities.

The director of Adventist Youth for the region, Rodrigo Assi, emphasized the importance of the project: "Encouraging the new generations to do good is something significant for the Adventist Church. We teach the importance of demonstrating Christian principles in practice through service to the [community]. In addition, it is interesting to notice the creativity developed in the participants. In the spiritual aspect, activities like this are also important, as they strengthen the confidence of young people in God."

In the state capital, Cuiabá, almost 2,000 people were assisted in social actions carried out by Calebs in several neighborhoods. Volunteers took free snacks and prayed with employees, patients, and families at the emergency care units (UPAs) in Verdão, Jardim Paulista, and Porto. In addition, the Cinturão Verde neighborhood received a large mobilization of activities, such as workshops, a health fair, donations of food, clothing, and solidarity soup.

Another impacted neighborhood was Morada da Serra. The Calebs carried out a joint effort to clean and build an accessibility ramp for a resident with mobility difficulties. The Sol Nascente neighborhood, on the other hand, received a public outreach that brought messages of hope and joy to the residents of the region.

Miguel Seth, 16 years old, shared his experience: "It was one of my best vacations. We had the opportunity to visit people, pray with them, and help them with their needs. An unforgettable experience that changed my way of seeing the world."

Calebs from Pedra 90 neighborhood (Cuiabá) donate blood (Photo: Disclosure)
Calebs from Pedra 90 neighborhood (Cuiabá) donate blood (Photo: Disclosure)

Calebinho—Version for Children

Although the Caleb Mission project was initially designed for young people, children and the elderly also got involved in volunteer work. The Calebinho program provided moments of learning and fun for the children, with activities to preserve the environment, encouraging reading and teaching about Jesus and healthy eating.

In Nova Mutum, for example, 45 children from different cities had the opportunity to participate in the program, learn more about Christian values, ​​and care for the environment.

Impact on Other Municipalities

Calebs from Nova Xavantina renovate a house for an elderly woman with low mobility (Photo: Disclosure)
Calebs from Nova Xavantina renovate a house for an elderly woman with low mobility (Photo: Disclosure)

The Caleb Mission was not restricted to the capital. In several counties across the state, Adventist youth extended their reach and positively impacted local communities.

In Cuiabá Mirim, a district of Barão de Melgaço, the Calebs dedicated themselves to solidarity and evangelistic actions, benefiting more than 150 people in the region with a health fair, food donation, and free medical care.

In the Nova Mutum region, volunteers were present at the municipal hospital and in the city's central square, bringing hope to and praying for the people. In addition, participants visited a nursing home in the city of São José do Rio Claro.

In Sorriso, the evangelistic program carried out by the Calebs attracted around 150 people each night. In addition to the services, health services and free haircuts were offered, resulting in approximately 70 people interested in studying the Bible and learning more about Jesus.

In the city of Pedra Preta, food was collected and donated to vulnerable people. And in Confresa, 23 people gave their lives to Jesus after an evangelistic campaign carried out by volunteers.

In Aragarças, a health fair benefited the physical, mental, and spiritual health of participants, resulting in 11 people giving their lives to Jesus and being baptized.

Querência and Nova Xavantina were also not left out. In Querência, there was a solidarity clothesline that distributed around 500 pieces of clothing to those in need. There were also free medical evaluations and nursing care. In the district of Campinópolis, close to Nova Xavantina, Caleb Mission volunteers renovated the house of an elderly woman.

Building a Better Future

In addition to social and evangelistic actions, the Caleb Mission team in the region is also committed to building an Adventist church in Planalto da Serra. The initiative aims to make the place a point of salvation and light for the residents of the community.

The volunteering initiative has shown the power of solidarity and love for others. Adventist young people are inspiring others to get involved in solidarity actions and contributing to the transformation of lives throughout the eastern region of Mato Grosso.

The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Portuguese-language news site.


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