More than 1,000 children have online adventure in Bolivia

Inauguration of the Aventusaurio online camporee. [Photo Credit: Ademir Alaro]

South American Division

More than 1,000 children have online adventure in Bolivia

Virtual event for Adventurer Clubs studies origins of dinosaurs

Bolivia | Ademir Alaro

Over the course of two days in early October, Adventurer Clubs in the Central Bolivian Mission (Adventist sub headquarters in Bolivia) participated in the first-ever Aventurí online, with the slogan, “Aventusaurio: The mysteries of creation.”
The Aventurí project began months before with virtual challenges. Each club carried out the activities prior to the event in three specific areas. Communion, a virtual Bible class, was the first item; the second area of ​​work was Relationship, emphasizing the advancement of regular classes and specialties in adventurers; and finally, the Mission area, working on the involvement of clubs in the Spring of Hope campaign and the virtual Bible school mobile application.

All the aforementioned emphases included creative videos, original music, virtual biblical dramas, online club meetings, solidarity baskets for families, and others. The activities were evaluated in the Club Management System as prerequisites for Aventurí. Once the clubs made their reports, the event arrived and was broadcast live from Dino Land Park in the city of Quillacollo.

Each registered Adventurer received a virtual card to participate in the activities at the Aventusaurus, where the moment of praise was highlighted with the official song, “7 days” performed by Agar Raily. Then they enjoyed a session “playing” with dinosaurs alongside member Wilson Quiroga, where the children were able to learn about the origins of dinosaurs. Then there was Art Corner with Helen Pope, a section during which the attendees made crafts at home with Helen offering instructions on-screen, and the virtual Dino challenge to engage the Adventurers with their parents.

Each section of the program emphasized the fundamental beliefs of creationism, knowing the wonderful creation of God and the origin of the dinosaurs. There were a total of 1,035 registered, 41 participating clubs, and 20 people from the organizing team. Without a doubt, this event was a great inspiration for the Adventurers, parents, and clubs that together learned about their creator God.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Spanish site