South American Division

Helper Is Baptized During Construction of Adventist College

Influenced by the environment and the people with whom he had contact, Juclei Araújo decided to give his life to Christ in the workplace.


Larissa Asteria
Even before it was completed, Juclei Araújo was the first person to be baptized as a result of the new institution that was born in the city [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

Even before it was completed, Juclei Araújo was the first person to be baptized as a result of the new institution that was born in the city [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

The construction of Colégio Adventista de Alagoinhas, in Bahia, became a point of preaching and decision. Of the 74 employees, 37 are studying the Bible. And then you will know the story of Juclei Araújo, the bricklayer's helper who was baptized as a result of the work of the Caleb Mission volunteers.

Araújo got to know the Adventist Church through his girlfriend, Janeila Muniz, who is now his wife. At the time, they even attended church a few times together. The boy, however, influenced her to live a different life, which led her to abandon her faith. Living together but far from God, he and his wife felt uncomfortable because she knew she should return to the church, and he knew he should decide on the side of Christ.

One day, Muniz decided to give her life to Jesus and return, but Araújo postponed the decision. In his mind, he only wanted to be baptized when he was free from all sins and vices, but as time passed, he realized this would be impossible. Alone, he talked to God and asked for help. Determined, his struggles escalated. One of the main ones was related to employment, since there were hours on Saturdays.

However, the opportunity soon arose to work on the construction of the Adventist College in Alagoinhas, with a journey that ended on Friday. Without thinking twice, he accepted the new opportunity. He started going to church and felt more and more that God was calling him.

Construction of Spirituality

Even before it was completed, Juclei Araújo was the first person to be baptized as a result of the new institution that was born in the city [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]
Even before it was completed, Juclei Araújo was the first person to be baptized as a result of the new institution that was born in the city [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

To one’s surprise, every day before starting the workday, services are held with praise and spiritual reflections. In addition, two young people came up with the idea of ​​expanding Caleb Mission to the site. During January mornings, they studied the Bible with the staff. One of these studies deeply touched Araújo's heart.

Affirming his decision publicly through baptism, Araújo became the first fruit of the construction. "I feel very happy to have been the first to be baptized here at the college. I am the first of many who will come. God continues to work in the hearts of several colleagues here, and they will also decide. This construction has changed my life because it was here I accepted Jesus," he says.

Even before it was completed, Juclei Araújo was the first person to be baptized as a result of the new institution that was born in the city [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]
Even before it was completed, Juclei Araújo was the first person to be baptized as a result of the new institution that was born in the city [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

For the district pastor, Reginaldo Barros, the moment of baptism fills the heart with joy. "More than building walls, we build people's lives, in the sense that they need to have an experience of life with Jesus. Juclei's baptism shows us that God has already begun to work great miracles through the construction of this Adventist College here in Alagoinhas, and I'm sure He will do much more. From its foundation, we already understand that Adventist Education goes far beyond teaching: it saves, transforms, and leads many students, parents, teachers, bricklayers, and helpers to the kingdom of God," he underlines.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s news site

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