Euro-Asia Division

Help for People with Disabilities


Igor Gurin, Head of the Information Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Brynzenii Noi
[Photo Courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]

[Photo Courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]

December 3 is International Disability Service Day. On this day, the international community has the opportunity to raise awareness in society in order to eliminate negative stereotypes and prejudices towards people with disabilities.

In everyday life, people with disabilities face many obstacles, but this does not prevent them from performing wonderful deeds and actions that should be acknowledged and emulated.

During the first days of December, ADRA Moldova and the Adventist Opportunity Service (ACV), in cooperation with the rural medical center of the village of Brynzenii Noi, provided humanitarian aid in the form of crutches, walkers, and medical beds to people with disabilities. Timely assistance has made a deep impression on both sick people and their caregivers. Some expressed their gratitude with tears of joy. All the elderly people, as well as their relatives, were very grateful for all the gifts.

The Mission of Opportunity Ministries (ADM) is built on the acceptance of the fact that while all people on earth feel the curse of sin and are imperfect and frail, we are all “endowed with gifts, and just like every person, we have our own needs and values." This clearly shows that the principle of involving all in ministry is about acceptance and response as an advantage of participating in God's mission. In various ways and methods, this ministry brings recognition of the importance, worth, and dignity of each person.

This article was originally published on the Euro-Asia Division’s news site

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