South American Division

Forest Fires in Chile Lead to Emergency Evacuation

The Adventist Church has established a collection point to receive food donations, bottled water, and clothing.


Chilean Union
Large forest fires devastate areas of southern Chile. (Photo: BioBio Television)

Large forest fires devastate areas of southern Chile. (Photo: BioBio Television)

The central-southern zone of Chile is facing a crisis due to the large forest fires in the Ñuble and Bío Bío regions. More than 7,000 hectares (approx. 27 square miles) have been consumed by fire, people have been evacuated, and houses have been destroyed as a result of the fires. Early Friday morning, the government decreed a state of catastrophe exception for the Ñuble region.

In view of this situation, the South Central Chile Conference (ACSCh) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which administers the area, issued a communiqué on Thursday night.

The document reports the following:


As a church we can inform that, in the area of Chillán Viejo, Quillón, Ñipas and Carrizal, brethren and their families have been taken to houses of church members, shelters and homes of relatives, as a measure of prevention and care, following the indications of government authorities.

In response to the needs that are presented, the Adventist School of Chillán (Bulnes 567, Chillán) has been enabled to receive donations of food, clothes in good condition and bottled water, on Friday, February 03, 2023, from 09:00 to 16:00 hours, which will go to help the affected communities.

We will be informing our community about the conditions and measures to support our membership. We ask to keep in prayer for the affected families and the welfare of the surrounding communities.

Please keep the region and those affected in your prayers.

The original article was published on the South American Division Spanish-language news site.

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