Those who live in the United States and the United Kingdom can now watch original Feliz7Play productions through Amazon Prime Video. The Galápagos Adventures series and the Renascidos - Novo Coração , Uncertainties and Libertos movies are already in the video service catalog. More titles will be available in these and other countries in the near future..
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Jeferson Nali, who directed the productions, says that it is not easy to include content on a worldwide video platform. “It is not a simple path, but the material was analyzed and fulfilled the expected requirements. The visual quality, the plot, the artistic potential, and the theme of the material are very important for approval ”, he explains.
Some of the content now available has received awards and nominations at international film festivals. The feature, Renascidos - Novo Coração, for example, was watched more than 4 million times in just two months . In Brazil, this and all other titles can be accessed for free on the website and application of Feliz7Play, the Adventist Church's video platform.
The denomination's digital strategy manager in South America, Carlos Magalhães, is happy to see the products originally prepared for Feliz7Play reach other locations and audiences. “Feliz7Play's main objective is to promote content that motivates the transformation in the lives of the people who watch it. So, the more available and accessible the content, [the more] it will be fulfilling the purpose for which it was created ”, he celebrates.
Nali says he is thrilled to see his work reaching more distant places. “When I was a child, I had a dream to talk about God, but I didn't know how [to]. When I started working with audiovisual, I felt that God was asking me to reach people through my work ”, he says.
The inclusion of these titles on Amazon Prime Video is part of a project to expand the audience for Feliz7Play content. “Some content is already being distributed in Spain, Switzerland, the United States, and Mexico, in English, Spanish and French. In Brazil, we are authorizing the broadcast of films and series on some regional TV's ”, explains Magalhães. In addition, public and private schools have also made use of the platform's educational content as support material in some classes.
This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site