South American Division

Eight Natural Remedies Project Is Awarded by the City Hall of Londrina

Proposal by an Adventist servant was among the five best evaluated in the Innovation Incentive Program for civil servants in the city of northern Paraná city


Gustavo Cidral
Professor Marta Botelho with Mayor Marcelo Belinati. [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

Professor Marta Botelho with Mayor Marcelo Belinati. [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

Marta Botelho teaches the principle of nature's eight remedies as a form of preventive health to students at the second College of the Military Police of Londrina and the Child Education Center at the University Hospital. Through playful activities and health fairs, the teacher talks to the children about the importance of water, healthy eating, clean air, physical activity, faith, sunlight, rest, and temperance. The work carried out by the public servant was recognized and awarded by the City of Londrina in the Innovation Incentive Program.

In a ceremony held at the mayor's office on December 27, Botelho was one of the five professionals to receive the trophy among the 23 submitted proposals. When expressing thankfulness for the award and the opportunity to publicize the project, the Seventh-day Adventist professor presented Mayor Marcelo Belinati with a basket that represented the eight natural remedies. “I thank God and all the people who contributed directly or indirectly to the realization of this project,” says Botelho.

The criteria used to evaluate and score the proposals included innovation, results, savings through the efficient use of resources, and a focus on people. An evaluation commission, composed of members of the municipal departments of Government, Human Resources, Education, Health, and Planning, Budget, and Technology, verified each of the proposals and awarded the classification score.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site


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