Euro-Asia Division

"Angel 7D": Anniversary Meeting

On February 14, an anniversary meeting of volunteers of the social project of psychological assistance, "Angel 7D", took place, to which the leaders of the church were invited. This year, the project is five years old.


Information Department of the Volga-Vyatka Association
[Photo Courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]

[Photo Courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]

The social project of psychological assistance, "Angel 7D", has existed for five years. It is carried out by volunteers—Christian psychologists who are not indifferent to the problems of people and are ready, like angels, to come to the rescue in difficult times seven days a week—hence the name "Angels 7D". For five years now, their service to people has been carried out imperceptibly. Only those who have received such support know about it.

Alexander Sinitsyn, president of the Volga-Vyatka Association of Seventh-day Adventists, in his address to the volunteers, emphasized that psychological help to people reminds him of the words of the apostle Paul: "Bear each other's burdens." Alexander Vladimirovich quoted the words of the Protestant theologian Karl Barth: "Those who bear each other's burdens, to the extent of their weak strength, repeat the feat of Christ… Who has accepted - and is now accepting - the burden of our sins."

“The real miracles of God that He does in the world are not done for money,” said Ivan Velgosha, president of the West Russian Union, addressing the audience. “The real miracle does not depend on money, but on a living relationship with God." Ivan Ilyich told the volunteers about the danger that arises if a believer begins to rely only on his own strength in his activities, forgetting it is Christ who gives a person true liberation and consolation.

Yulia Korovina, editor of the Christian newspaper The Hidden Treasure, thanked the volunteers for their cooperation and wished "that people not only receive psychological help, but also learn about Jesus Christ."

Supported people provide feedback on the volunteer ministry. Here is one example:

“I want to say thank you so much for your participation in my life. I am grateful to you and God. Your advice helped me to understand myself. Your daily messages helped me survive. They became for me a guide, support, instruction for every day. They come to me at exactly the right time. Special thanks for the prayer marathon. This is what I really needed. I believe that God was leading me to this very moment. And all the events in my life took shape strictly according to God's will. No matter how bad it was for me, He was there and guided my life, allowing difficulties, pain, despair. Thank God! And thank you so much. Your work is invaluable. Thanks!"

Over the past five years, 3,500 applications for psychological assistance were processed. Three people were baptized as a result of the work of Christian psychologists.

Alexander Sboev, the founder of the social project of psychological help, expressed the hope that other Christian psychologists will join this project in order to reach more people in need of psychological and spiritual help with this ministry.

This article was originally published on the Euro-Asia Division’s news site

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