South American Division

Adventist Church in Northern Maranhão Offers Solidarity Dinner

The project benefited homeless people and street vendors who work in downtown São Luís


Maiara Schalcher
Aerial view of the action prepared by the Adventist Church in the city [Photo Credit: Stalin Lima]

Aerial view of the action prepared by the Adventist Church in the city [Photo Credit: Stalin Lima]

How much do you need to be happy? Have you ever stopped to think that some people do not have the minimum food and other basics necessary to have safety and security?

With that in mind, Associação Maranhense, the administrative headquarters of the Adventist Church for North of Maranhão, developed an initiative to benefit 350 street dwellers and vendors. A solidarity dinner was held at Pantheon Square in São Luís, the state capital, on December 4.

The program was supported by various departments, including Adventist Solidarity Action (ASA), Desbravadores, Federation of Adventist Entrepreneurs (FE), church regional office workers, hands-on volunteers, and Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA). The meeting also included a Christmas cantata made by the youth choir of the Colégio Adventista de São Luís Church .

The beneficiaries were served with a dinner; in addition, they received a basic basket and a panettone bread cake, which were donated by the Government of the State of Maranhão.

“I was detained, and I left today; I didn't know what I was going to eat tonight. I took the bus and got off here in the square, and God had prepared this dinner for me and these other people who are also in need. I felt like the prodigal son returning home with a feast waiting,” explains Eloilton dos Santos, one of the recipients of the dinner.

Necessary Solidarity

During the biblical homily he shared with those present, Pastor Fernando Lima, president of Associação Maranhense, stated, "Doing good is good! Therefore, we must always look to our brothers who need our help.”

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site

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