Inter-European Division

ADRA Network Helps Refugees in Ukraine and Neighboring Countries

Food aid from ADRA Poland in Brwinów. Photo: ADRA Europe

Food aid from ADRA Poland in Brwinów. Photo: ADRA Europe

ADRA Ukraine is preparing winter relief projects to assist internally displaced persons in four localities, according to a report by the regional office of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, ADRA Europe. In addition to ADRA Ukraine, the report focuses on ADRA country offices in Moldova, Poland, and Hungary, which are assisting refugees in their territories through food donations and language and integration courses.


ADRA Ukraine: Winter Projects

Millions of Ukrainians live in damaged homes or buildings that do not provide adequate shelter from the harsh winter conditions. In some parts of the country, temperatures can drop below -20 °C. "It is estimated that 15.7 million Ukrainians are in need of humanitarian assistance, with 7.1 million IDPs living in private homes or collective shelters," ADRA Europe writes.


Winter projects in Kyiv and three other localities include work to improve or provide insulation and heating in a shelter. Measures may include repairing or replacing windows with double-glazed upgrades with a higher insulation capability. Also included are repairs to heating equipment.


ADRA Ukraine: Transports for Evacuated People with Disabilities

ADRA Ukraine's free transportation services are supported by the Humanitarian Fund of Ukraine and have transported more than 3,000 people with disabilities to their destinations in the last seven months.


"Support for people with disabilities is very important, especially at such a difficult time," said Viktoriia Kipkalo, head of the Lozova City Council's Employment and Social Services Department. "Despite the fighting, it is important for people with disabilities to be able to perceive planned rehabilitation measures. That is why we are very grateful to ADRA Ukraine for their help in providing free transportation. By doing so, they are making an important contribution to our community."


ADRA Ukraine: Drinking Water and Hygiene Kits Along the Demarcation Line

Residents of settlements in the Donetsk region, located along the demarcation line, including Druzhkivka and Marinka, are receiving much-needed drinking water and hygiene kits.


ADRA Ukraine partnered with UNICEF (originally United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). Together, they helped in Isyum, in the Kharkiv region, where they delivered about 21,000 liters of drinking water. Since the project began, a total of 287,370 liters of bottled drinking water have been distributed. The volunteers also distributed 10,000 hygiene kits for people in 12 regions of Ukraine, helping more than 23,000 people.


ADRA Ukraine: Psychological Help

Despair, fear, anxiety, and a loss of a sense of normal life characterized the lives of many people after the beginning of the Russian war, writes ADRA. ADRA Ukraine psychologists provide psychological support to help people overcome difficult moments in their lives and regain their footing. In Zhytomyr, ADRA offers free psychological assistance with financial support from the German Foreign Office.


ADRA Moldova: Language Courses and Integration Assistance

Learning the language is a crucial foundation for good integration. ADRA Moldova offers Romanian language courses to refugees. With these language skills, they should be able to gain a better foothold in the Moldovan labor market and everyday life. The courses, which are financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, take place on the premises of the International Training Center and Professional Development in the capital, Chişinău.


ADRA Moldova: Extracurricular Activities for Refugee Children

With the beginning of autumn and the start of the new school year, ADRA Moldova has started extracurricular activities for children in the Transnistrian region, where many refugees from Ukraine live. The Assistance and Information Center for Refugees in Tiraspol, which is supported by ADRA Moldova, offers young people space for interactive and recreational activities and homework. At the same time, it is also a safe space.


ADRA Hungary: Shelter for Refugees in Budapest

ADRA Hungary launched a new project in June, in collaboration with the United Nations Organization for Migration, to provide shelter for refugees arriving in Budapest.


The aid agency provided hotel rooms for short-term stays. For refugees staying in Hungary for the medium term, ADRA Hungary rented a workers' dormitory. As the need for accommodation increased in August, 30 condominiums were rented for 112 refugees, mostly occupied by families with several children.


ADRA Poland: Food Packages

Every week, volunteers from ADRA Poland, supported by CARE, distribute food packages for 320 refugees in Brwinów, near the capital city of Warsaw. In the last two months, more than 2,500 food packages have been delivered.

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