Adventist Development and Relief Agency

ADRA House, a Home for Victims of Domestic Violence

ADRA Romania: From 2019 to 2021, 1,015 victims of domestic violence were hosted at the ADRA House


[Photo Courtesy of ADRA Romania]

[Photo Courtesy of ADRA Romania]

Since 2009, ADRA Romania has run the Emergency Reception Center for Victims of Domestic Violence—ADRA House. The objective of this project is the social reintegration of victims of domestic violence through shelter, social counseling, psychological counseling, emergency medical care, food, and guidance by a lawyer. The lives of the beneficiaries housed in the center were changed because they experienced a different way of life, without physical, verbal, economic, mental, sexual, or religious violence, based on spiritual values ​​and cultivating healthy eating habits, exercise, training, and recreation.

The Story of Ionel

Ionel, a seven-year-old boy, is a large-group student in kindergarten and arrived at the ADRA House with his mother and younger sister because of his father's violent behavior. Ionel is the eldest child, so compared to his younger sister, he witnessed numerous disputes between his parents due to excessive alcohol consumption, gambling addiction, and lack of responsibility on the part of the father. When he arrived at ADRA House, the boy only ate pasta cooked with salt, made only a few sounds, and answered yes-or-no questions. Lack of proper nutrition, neglect of parents, and an abusive family environment have managed to leave their mark on his development.

Immediately after arriving at ADRA House, Ionel received support from all team members, who worked with the child for several months on the cognitive, emotional, and social side and managed to diversify his diet.

"Ionel is a very cute boy—intelligent, eager for attention and affection from those around him,” said Mariana Ros, ADRA Romania psychologist. “He has made great progress; he comes along with the notebook into my office to show me what else he has written. He likes to be appreciated; he focuses on writing nicely; now he knows numbers and letters, and he can connect short sentences, and when you think that a few months ago he only made a few sounds.”

Ros continued, “I am happy with his results, although I know that continuous support is needed for the minor to be able to integrate into school in the fall. The mother and the two children had to leave home with [only the clothes on their backs], with important documents put in a garbage bag so that the aggressor would not realize that they would leave home. My satisfaction as a professional is that I am perceived as a person with good resources, support for souls so sorely tested by fate, and can do little to alleviate them.” 

Ros concluded, “I take my strength and energy every day to move forward, seeing how these beneficiaries find resources in them to overcome the difficult moments they had to live through.”

Nowadays, Ionel is recovering from a tumultuous and careless childhood with his parents, making progress every day.

From 2009 to 2021, through the ADRA House, which falls within the Fight against domestic violence, over 3,500 victims of domestic violence were assisted—mothers and children—1,015 of whom were hosted at the house.

More About ADRA Romania’s House

ADRA Romania is licensed for the social service Emergency Reception Center for Victims of Domestic Violence—ADRA House. The decision to grant the operating license was issued by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection, and the Elderly, following the evaluation of the submitted documentation and verification visits. The center is licensed until December 30, 2025, in accordance with Law no. 197/2012 on quality assurance in the field of social services, with subsequent amendments. 

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