Trans-European Division

A Fresh Look at Forgiveness

Discovering the four ‘places’ of forgiveness – Wellbeing Webinar

United Kingdom

Vanesa Pizzuto
Photo Courtesy of the Trans-European Division

Photo Courtesy of the Trans-European Division

In the latest edition of the Trans-European Division (TED) Wellbeing Webinars, Karen Holford reflects on the process of forgiveness and healing. Holford, TED Family, and the Women and Children’s Ministries director, identify four ‘places’ of forgiveness. Each of these four ‘places’ – “God’s heart for each of us”, “In your shoes and mine”, “Long-term and close-up view” and “The mending kit” – provide an opportunity to pause and reflect that can “enrich our understanding about forgiveness in whatever situation we are in.”

In her presentation, Holford emphasizes the importance of allowing forgiveness to run its course. “Pain doesn't…stop just because someone says sorry, or even because I forgive them. Healing hearts and bones is a process.”

The process may take time, but Holford assures us it’s worth it as it allows us to see others, and ourselves, “through God’s eyes…experiencing His love and filling our hearts with it.”

This article was originally published on the Trans-European Division’s news site.

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