
Noteworthy Videos

Spiritual Gifts and Ministries [What Does the Bible Say?] - Pastor Ted Wilson

Spiritual Gifts and Ministries [What Does the Bible Say?] - Pastor Ted Wilson

In this episode, Pastor Ted Wilson and his wife, Nancy, talk about the spiritual gifts and ministries based on the seventeenth fundamental belief of the Seventh-day Adventists.

Baptism [What Does the Bible Want Us To Know About It?] - Pastor Ted Wilson

Baptism [What Does the Bible Want Us To Know About It?] - Pastor Ted Wilson

In this episode, Pastor Ted Wilson talks about baptism, constituting the fifteenth fundamental belief of the Seventh-day Adventists.

Unity in Christ [What Does the Bible Teach Us?] - Pastor Ted Wilson

Unity in Christ [What Does the Bible Teach Us?] - Pastor Ted Wilson

In this episode, Pastor Ted Wilson is with his fellow General Conference executive officers, Erton Kohler and Paul Douglas, to talk about unity in the body of Christ which constitutes our church’s fourteenth fundamental belief.

The Remnant [What is It and Its Mission?] - Pastor Ted Wilson

The Remnant [What is It and Its Mission?] - Pastor Ted Wilson

In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson discusses God's remnant and its mission, constituting the thirteenth fundamental belief of the Seventh-day Adventists.

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