Adventist Mission
New Training Center Expected to Advance Mission in Local Philippine Communities
The center is a hub for hope and healing, states division President.
New Adventist Churches Being Added Faster than Ever Before
Adventist Mission
Remembering Kleyton Feitosa’s Faithfulness and Service
Adventist Mission
Adventist Mission
Adventist Aviation Marks 60 Years of Serving Remote Communities
Adventist Mission
Adventist Mission in Singapore Unites to Support Senior Citizens
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Adventist Aviation Marks 60 Years of Serving Remote Communities
Adventists celebrate aviation's impact on mission work.
Adventist Mission
Adventist Mission in Singapore Unites to Support Senior Citizens
Singapore is home to a rapidly aging population, with one in four expected to be 65 and above by 2030, research says.
Adventist Mission
Children’s Evangelism and Outreach in Cambodia Culminates in Baptism
Adventist celebrate baptisms in a 10/40 Window region.
Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Annual Council Highlights Remarkable Global Growth Through Total Member Involvement Initiative
Reports from regions worldwide reveal record-breaking baptisms and transformative community outreach efforts.
Adventist Church in Portugal Exceeds 12,000 Members for the First Time in History
In Portugal, there are 850 people for every Adventist.
Adventist Mission
Pakistan Missionaries Celebrate Commencement Ceremony
Nine missionaries conducted over 6,000 visits and celebrated over 100 baptisms.
Spirit of Prophecy and Publishing Leadership Summits Urge Faithful Preparation for Christ’s Soon Return
A call to deepen biblical and prophetic understanding among Adventists.
8th Annual Adventist Medical Mission Conference Inspires Global Health Ministry: Uniting Faith and Healing for a Brighter Future
Over 100 attendees gather in Penang for spiritual revival and practical training in medical evangelism, advancing the church’s mission of wholistic healing.