The Seventh-day Adventist Church in southern Peru organized an evangelistic series titled “There is Still Hope.” This event featured international Adventist speaker Alejandro Bullón and took place from November 14 to 16, 2024, in three cities in central Peru: Ayacucho, Huancayo, and Pichanaqui (Junín). The series mobilized thousands of attendees.
The event included moments of worship, prayer, and messages from the Bible to present the gospel to the communities in these areas where Catholicism and religious festivities predominate. As a result of this event, 711 people decided to give their lives to Christ through baptism.

For the first time in Ayacucho, nearly 3,000 people gathered at the IPD Ayacucho Coliseum to hear the word of God. In Huancayo, 5,000 attendees filled the “Yanama Paradise” Convention Center, guided by the Holy Spirit. Additionally, 10,000 people traveled to Pichanaqui in the Junín region to attend the event.

The Church Involved
Before this event, members of local Adventist churches, lay evangelists, and Bible instructors took part in Bible-themed training sessions. These sessions prepared them to receive and guide hundreds of individuals eager to learn about the Bible in their communities and ultimately assist them on their journey to becoming followers of Christ.
Evangelism leaders from the Southern Peruvian Union (UPS), which serves as the administrative headquarters of the Adventist Church in southern Peru, along with the Central Mission of Peru (MCP), the administrative headquarters for the Adventist Church in Huancayo, Junín, and Ayacucho, were responsible for providing this training.

Historical and Religious Context
The city of Ayacucho is renowned for its rich Catholic religious heritage and its historical significance in the independence of Latin America. Similarly, Huancayo holds considerable importance as a hub for religious festivities and processions in the Andean region of Peru. In Pichanaki, located in the Junín region, the celebration of patron saint festivals remains a vital aspect of community life.
With divine guidance in these areas, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, through its administrative headquarters in the Central Mission Zone of Peru (MCP), conducts evangelism campaigns and programs aimed at sharing the message of Christ's imminent return with audiences of all ages.
Across various regions of Peru, the commitment to continue spreading the truths of the gospel to local communities remains steadfast. The Seventh-day Adventist Church in southern Peru is in constant prayer for every pastor, church member, professional, and volunteer who contributes to fulfilling this mission.
The original article was published on the South American Division Spanish website.