Southern Asia-Pacific Division

New Training Center Expected to Advance Mission in Local Philippine Communities

The center is a hub for hope and healing, states division President.

Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, Philippines

Edward Rodriguez, Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and ANN
Leaders of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, local Adventist Church representatives, and local government partners join in the ribbon-cutting ceremony during the dedication of the Adventist Training Center in Mindanao, Philippines.

Leaders of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, local Adventist Church representatives, and local government partners join in the ribbon-cutting ceremony during the dedication of the Adventist Training Center in Mindanao, Philippines.

[Photo: Southern-Asia Pacific Division]

The Adventist Church in the Southern Asia-Pacific region (SSD) recently celebrated the dedication of the Adventist Training Center in Mindanao, Philippines, marking a milestone for the region. The center will provide training and resources for mission work and serve the local community.

"This center is more than a building; it’s a hub for hope and healing," said Roger Caderma, SSD president, highlighting the region's dedication to equipping members for mission and holistic ministry. "It represents our dedication to sharing God’s love not just in words but through action and service.”

In 2018, the vision of the center was developed when the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists selected the SSD as the recipient of the 13th Sabbath Offering, a financial offering made by Adventist churches to support mission projects around the world.

After navigating challenges in the land acquisition process, the Adventist church acquired a 3.4-hectare property. In a commitment to community relations, the Church granted residents ownership of the land they occupied, ensuring an amicable resolution as the site was prepared for development.

“This training center has provided our community with income opportunities and a place for growth and development. We are deeply grateful to the Adventist Church for this initiative," shared Barangay Captain Cornelio Ulaw, a local leader.

The new facility features a function hall, main building, guest accommodations, and a dormitory for non-formal education in partnership with TESDA. It also includes agro-tourism initiatives in collaboration with the local government, promoting sustainable development in the region.

Adjacent to the training center, a PHP 12 million megachurch project is under construction. This center of influence will cater to the spiritual needs of the area’s tribal minority population, providing a space for worship, fellowship, and growth in faith.

"Adventists have been strong partners in molding our youth and inspiring our community to dream and achieve more,” said Hon. Remie Mann Unggol, Mayor of Lake Sebu.

Leaders also dedicated the Adventist World Radio (AWR) station located within the training center. The station seeks to share the gospel with remote, underserved communities, leveraging technology for mission.

The Adventist World Radio Station in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, is officially dedicated, marking a new chapter in sharing God’s message of hope with remote and underserved communities.
The Adventist World Radio Station in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, is officially dedicated, marking a new chapter in sharing God’s message of hope with remote and underserved communities.

The dedication also highlighted the generous contributions of local members. Leaders unveiled a three-room guest house donated by a local church member in the region. The guest house will provide accommodations for missionaries, trainers, and visitors, further enhancing the center’s capacity to serve.

This guest house, generously donated by a committed supporter, will provide accommodations for missionaries and visitors, further supporting the mission initiatives of the Adventist Training Center and Adventist World Radio Station.
This guest house, generously donated by a committed supporter, will provide accommodations for missionaries and visitors, further supporting the mission initiatives of the Adventist Training Center and Adventist World Radio Station.

The original article was published on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division website.

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