Since August 2023 one of Polish Television’s most popular programs, A Case for a Reporter, has regularly featured Andrzej Siciński, a pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
For more than four decades the program, hosted by legendary Polish journalist Elzbieta Jaworowicz, has been helping people in difficult life situations, involving experts in various fields. The pastor’s presence on the program shows a change in public television’s approach to diversity of faiths and opinions, experts said.
Beginning of a Trend
After the very first episode featuring Siciński, the program’s editors recognized that as a clergyman and religious liberty lawyer, the pastor would be a valuable commentator. Although it was initially intended to be a one-time appearance, further invitations soon came.
The pastor is often the only clergyman in the episode, and if he is accompanied by others, it is usually Catholic priests. The programs are recorded, and experts are given extensive material to analyze beforehand. Siciński said that as a clergyman, he tries to reconcile the feuding parties, comfort the aggrieved, and appeal for help for those in need. His commentaries are usually short and dynamic, adapted on the fly to the course of the discussion in the studio.
Adventist Pastor Becomes a Regular Guest on TV Show in Poland

Andrzej Siciński has so far appeared more than 26 times in the show A Case for a Reporter on Polish TV.

The show A Case for a Reporter has been running on Polish Television for 42 years.

“My role as a clergyman is to reconcile the feuding, comfort the wronged, and appeal to viewers to support those in need,” Andrzej Siciński said.
The Most Moving Issues
The program deals mainly with family conflicts, legal disputes, or people who need expensive medical treatment. One of the most poignant stories was the tragedy of a man who lost his wife during childbirth. The surviving child was born with severe disabilities. The pastor referred to the spiritual significance of the situation, suggesting that it could be a call to holiness by sacrificing himself for his children. His words moved the entire studio.
Another example was the case of the We Are Bethany association, which fought for funds to renovate a building for adults with disabilities. The pastor used the symbolism of the biblical Bethany, which also evoked strong emotions among the program’s participants.
Importance of Presence in the Media
Each episode in which the pastor participated in is archived. So far, Siciński has taken part in 26 recordings, but there have been many more invitations. Though he doesn’t seek personal recognition, he is keen to ensure that the Adventist Church is viewed positively in Poland. The pastor admits that he prays for wisdom before each recording, since his main goal is to bring spiritual support to the program’s participants and leave a good impression. In his own words, he would like the name of his church to be associated with viewers in a positive way, “Just that, and yet so much.”
The original article was published on the Adventist Review website.