
Hospitals Unveil Sculptures Portraying Assurance and Restoration

Three Seventh-day Adventist hospitals in the greater Denver area unveiled identical sculptures entitled "Eden Restored" during the Easter weekend

1,400 Volunteer for Mass Spring Cleaning in Hollywood

"Our group wanted to help beautify our city," said Bob Wong, youth director

Aid in Croatia—Just for Kids

Literal "kids" are a part of the development program to establish a breeding herd of goats that is underway in the areas of Lika, Slavonia and Baranja

Smoking Linked to Decline in Intelligence

The study examined more than 650 people aged 65 and over to determine their intellectual powers and record their smoking habits

Adventists Support U.N. Call for More Education for Girls

This call for more education, especially for girls who are discriminated against, is one we can identify with

Judge Rules in Favor of Adventist Trademark

Judge James Lawrence King issued a ruling on April 27 that stops the Eternal Gospel church from identifying itself as a Seventh-day Adventist church

Adventists Speak Out on Vermont "Civil Union" Recognition

Seventh-day Adventist members and leaders in Vermont expressed grave disappointment at the governor's signing of the bill

New Formula for Financing Adventist Church Mission Voted

A new method of sharing expenses for the operation of the world Church was voted by the Seventh-day Adventist leaders from around the world

Adventist Church President Honored

Pastor Jan Paulsen, world president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is the latest recipient of Pacific Union College's Charles E. Weninger Award for Outstanding Achievement

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