In a strategic move aimed at enhancing organizational efficiency, the West Visayan Conference (WVC) of Seventh-day Adventists has undergone a significant reorganization, resulting in the establishment of the Northwestern Panay Mission (NPM).
This brand-new mission is the main hub for Seventh-day Adventist projects in the Philippine provinces of Aklan and Antique. It promotes a more localized, focused way of witnessing, discipleship, fellowship, business, and leadership. The mission is committed to sharing the message of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, preparing people for His soon return.
In an interview, Pastor Kerry Estrebilla, president of the WVC, expressed gratitude to God for the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) and the Central Philippine Union Conference (CPUC), whose favorable actions paved the way for this reorganization.
"This action would surely bring the territory to new heights of progress in terms of mission. There are a lot of challenging places yet in the territory, and with this new mission, this could be given more attention, especially in pastoral visitation as well as in many mission initiatives," Pastor Estrebilla stated.
Pastor Eliezer “Joer” T. Barlizo Jr., CPUC president, praised the Lord for the success of the meeting and the bifurcation of the WVC. He also shared that Pastor Ephraim Reyno has been elected as president of the NPM, with Pastor Rolando Dolor as executive secretary and Sir Luna Casio as treasurer.
"We hope that, by God’s grace, this newly organized mission, with His guidance, will be able to rally all the church members to participate in the soul-winning program of our church because evangelism is the mission of the church. Rest assured that you are always included in our prayers,” said Pastor Barlizo. “We will be fervently praying also for the West Visayan Conference, the mother mission, under the leadership of Pastor Kerry Estrebilla and Mr. Derwin Dionzon, whose executive secretary has yet to be elected in their executive committee annual meeting. I am requesting that all our church members kindly include them in your prayers, too. We hope that the Lord will give us a good result and fruit from our labors in that territory. Thank you so much, and may God bless us all."
Moreover, Pastor Reyno humbly greeted everyone and expressed his gratitude for being appointed to lead this new mission field. With 15 districts already established, Pastor Reyno asked for the support of church leaders, pastors, teachers, literature evangelists, and the entire community in the provinces of Aklan and Antique. He emphasized the importance of collective prayers, acknowledging that success in leading God's church is only possible with divine guidance.
"I am praying that somehow, the Lord will bless this new mission and that we could establish Adventist presence in many places in the islands of the northwestern as well as in some other places where we don't yet have the Adventist presence," said Pastor Reyno.
In response, Pastor Roger Caderma, president of the SSD, extended gratitude to the leadership of the CPUC for their support in the application to reorganize the West Visayan Conference.
“We have seen your commitment. We have seen your dedication. We have seen the support of our church members, and this reminds us that the work is tremendously progressing in that part of the CPUC territory," said the SSD president.
Furthermore, Pastor Caderma commended the collaboration of church members, emphasizing Ellen G. White's belief that the work will only be finished when church members unite efforts with ministers. He also congratulated everyone on the creation of the Northwestern Panay Mission, foreseeing a broadened, wider impact in the mission field that will help in hastening Christ’s return.
The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division website.