Southern Asia-Pacific Division

Philippine-wide Publishing Leaders’ Seminar Urges Attendees to Collaborate in Spreading Gospel Message Through Adventist Literature

The seminar highlighted leadership principles, effective literature evangelist recruitment and mentoring, and strategies for proclaiming the Gospel message through Adventist literature.


Julieto D. Gonzales
Philippine-wide Publishing Leaders’ Seminar Urges Attendees to Collaborate in Spreading Gospel Message Through Adventist Literature

The Philippine-wide Publishing Leaders Seminar was held at the Bohol Plaza Resort in Dauis, Bohol, Philippines, on April 5–8, 2023, with more than 380 publishing, mission, union, and world leaders in attendance. With the theme "It's Our Time: I Will Go as the Messenger's Leader," the seminar aimed to emphasize the importance of spreading the Gospel message through printed pages, reflecting the realization that Jesus is coming soon.

Pastor Rey P. Cabañero, Publishing director for the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, expressed gratitude for the meeting's convening. He appreciates the idea that "this seminar aims to foster camaraderie among God's workers, provide a platform for sharing ideas and messages based on exhortations in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy books, and renew every co-commitment worker to continue publishing ministries until Jesus comes."

The seminar covered a variety of topics, including leadership principles, best practices for presenting health books, effective literature evangelist recruitment and mentoring, and strategies for proclaiming the Gospel message through Adventist literature.

Attendees participated in lectures and panel discussions and listened to inspiring testimonies from successful publishing leaders throughout the territory. Some of the delegates voiced their appreciation to be a part of this gathering.

"I am excited to attend this leadership seminar because it provides a unique opportunity to learn innovative leadership strategies and ideas. I'm especially interested in discovering techniques to inspire my group members to be passionate about literature ministry and to remain faithful in serving the Lord," said Edwin Gajete, Area Publishing Ministry leader from the central Philippines.

Notably, Pastor Stephen Apola, associate director of Publishing for the Adventist World Church, delivered impactful messages on letting God be the leader in fulfilling the Gospel commission through the printed pages as well as engaging youth and students in sharing the Gospel message.

In addition to the educational and inspirational content, the seminar provided a valuable platform for attendees to network, collaborate on ministry projects, and build relationships with other publishing leaders across the Philippines.

In his appeal, Pastor Leonardo Heyasa Jr., Philippine Publishing House president, shares his positive response to the call of sharing Adventist literature with more individuals this year.

“Our goal is to scatter 1 million Health & Home bookbound by 2030. It's not impossible. In fact, it is very feasible, because what we are asking is only 1 percent of our total population,” Heyasa said.

“There is still a lot of work ahead of us. Our pioneers and our former leaders have done their part. Now is our time, and many of those who long to know God depend on our willingness to go,” Heyasa added.

The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division website.

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