Southern Asia-Pacific Division

More than 1,000 Embrace Faith in Jesus in Central Philippines

Large-scale evangelistic campaign proved successful as many sealed their decisions for God through baptism


Nadeth Quinto
More than 1,000 Embrace Faith in Jesus in Central Philippines

In a remarkable celebration of faith and worship, more than 8,000 Adventists gathered at Central Philippine Adventist College (CPAC) in Murcia, Negros Occidental, on September 16, 2023, to mark the culmination of The Search 2023 evangelistic campaign. The eight-night spiritual journey drew 1,212 souls who chose to embrace faith and hope in Jesus Christ.

The Search 2023 was a collaborative effort by Quiet Hour and Grace Force ministries, Philippine Publishing House (PPH), the Central Philippine Union Conference (CPUC), and the Negros Occidental Conference (NOC) of Seventh-day Adventists. This event focused not only on people searching for God but also on God searching for His people. It was live-streamed via Hope Channel Central Philippines' Facebook page, YouTube channel, and its substations.

Despite challenging weather conditions, nightly meetings witnessed a growing attendance as attendees were driven by a shared hunger for the message of hope and salvation. International evangelist Dr. Dan Smith, with Pastor Jophone Galanza, NOC president, serving as the interpreter, delivered powerful sermons at the Negros Occidental Conference Evangelistic Center.

The Search 2023 also featured nine additional sites in Negros Occidental, each with its own set of speakers, including international and local speakers such as Dr. and Mrs. DeWayne and Patti Butcher, Sandy Firestone, Pastor Salvador Molina, Pastor Joseph Hobson, Dr. Gene Donaldson, Pastor Leslie Aragon, Elder David McElhaney, Elder Walton Williams, and Pastor Junnie Ree Pagunsan. Simultaneous evangelism efforts were supported by NOC administrators and directors as interpreters, along with Pastor and Mrs. Renito and Melodie Inapan in two different sites.

During the culmination day, CPAC prepared venues to accommodate attendees, including its church, its gymnasium equipped with an LED wall, Raya Hall, boys' and girls' dormitories, the administration building, and the theology and engineering classrooms equipped with television sets and monitors. The CPAC administration extended a warm welcome to all participants.

Master Guides also participated in the event to assist and cater to attendees' needs in celebration of World Pathfinder Day. Online live reporting was also conducted on Sabbath afternoon while the baptism ceremony was ongoing at the CPAC swimming pool. On the other hand, before the baptism on Sabbath, about 50 inmates were also baptized in Bacolod City.

Pastor Eliezer “Joer” T. Barlizo Jr., CPUC president, expressed appreciation for the support and prayers of everyone. He thanked the NOC for hosting the campaign and leading the evangelism efforts throughout the CPUC territory.

"Today stands as a testament to your unwavering dedication," Pastor Barlizo proclaimed. "We want to underscore that throughout this quinquennium, our unswerving focus will remain on evangelism. It is the very purpose for which God has granted us existence. As you may have observed, our administrators, directors, and church members are all actively immersed in the Lord's work, fully aware that evangelism is our ultimate goal and mission. With God's grace, we are confident in achieving remarkable results in evangelism, not only this year but also in the years to come."

Pastor Barlizo prayerfully added, “Thank you once again for your continued support, and together, we look forward to furthering God's mission of spreading His love and message.”

Moreover, Pastor Jophone Galanza expressed gratitude and appreciation to all his fellow administrators, directors, office staff, district pastors and leaders, field workers, and all church members for the collective efforts rendered, emphasizing that this work is dedicated to the glory of God. He encouraged everyone, saying, "Our mission continues, and whether we do it again or await the day of the Lord's return, may we all be blessed abundantly for our dedicated service."

Furthermore, Pastor Neildren Gulfan, NOC IEL-NDR (Nurture, Discipleship, Reclamation—Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle) field secretary, expressed humility and gratitude for God's grace and guidance. In an interview, he shared, "I saw growth opportunities—in leadership, evangelism, and in methods and approaches to reach more people. To the newly baptized members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, I say, ‘Serve God faithfully and love Jesus until the end. Because Christ's death on the cross secured salvation, pursue sanctification. Ultimately, glorification will be ours when He returns. Jesus is coming soon. I will go!’"

Furthermore, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, The Search 2023 culminated with the baptism of 5,661 precious souls, including the three-month simultaneous evangelistic meetings conducted throughout the whole CPUC territory, with many more engaged in ongoing Bible studies, collaborating with over 5,000 care groups and 182 field workers.

Pastor Inapan, CPUC treasurer, expressed his deep joy at witnessing the triumph of the Gospel message. He extended heartfelt appreciation to Quiet Hour Ministries for their unwavering support and commended the collaboration of the entire Adventist community in Central Philippines. Pastor Inapan emphasized that the efforts of workers, administrators, directors, and committed lay personnel united them in advancing the work of the Lord.

"As we embrace these young individuals as our new brothers and sisters, let us pledge to nurture and guide them. Together, we will empower them to be instruments in bringing more souls together with their family members, preparing everyone for the coming of the Lord. Amen!" Pastor Inapan concluded.

The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division website.

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