A team of AdventHealth volunteer medical specialists arrived from Kansas, United States, to the city of Juliaca, Peru, to join Juliaca American Adventist Clinic (CAAJ) doctors to develop the “United for your Health” surgical campaign. This initiative sought to help low-income individuals free of charge.
One of the cases treated by the specialists was that of Felix Cruz Oblitas, 69 years old, an older adult from the Ayrampuni Population Center, province of San Antonio de Putina. For this man walking was difficult as his blurred vision prevented him from moving forward safely. He even fell to the ground many times. However, what saddened him most, as he tells it, was that he could no longer read his Bible.
“I read the Bible and I couldn't look properly anymore, the letters were erased; So I cried out to the Lord... I went to a health center in my town and they gave me some drops, but it didn't cure me and I became desperate, what to do? But thank God my operation has been made possible, I thank the Adventist clinic and the specialists in the United States,” said Oblitas.
Health for the Most Vulnerable
From March 18 to 22, 2024, 62 people had free access to plastic, ophthalmological, and laparoscopic surgeries (abdomen), with priority given to the elderly and children. Likewise, a primary care ophthalmological campaign (consultations and orientations) was held in the Capachica Population Center, where 92 people were treated.
See some images of the attention of the specialists during the campaign:
Health specialists [Photo: Juliaca American Adventist Clinic]



In addition to the free medical services offered to residents, during the campaign, copies of the book The Great Controversy were also given to those who came to seek medical attention. Thus, Adventist medical institutions not only provided help but also shared hope.
Watch the following video of thanks for this campaign:
The original article was published on the South American Division Spanish website.