Trans-European Division

Christ for Europe Reaches Athens

An evangelistic series experienced attendance from all over, including Greece, Zambia, China, the Philippines, Ghana, Romania, Ireland, the UK, Serbia, France, Cypress, Cameroon, Tunisia, and the U.S.

David Neal
[Credit - TED]

[Credit - TED]

With Christ for Europe underway, for the next few weeks, tedNEWS will report multiple stories of how the message of God’s love is being shared across the Trans-European Division (TED). As General Conference officers and directors (along with evangelists from elsewhere) partner with members in multiple locations, leading public evangelism and outreach events, a prayer from the very first evangelist to Europe comes to mind: Paul. In his letter to the Thessalonians, he prayed that the Lord would direct hearts and minds “to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ” (2 Thessalonians 3:5, ESV). The first report comes from the Greek Mission, one of the most southerly regions of the TED.


Glenn Aguirre is the senior pastor of the Calhoun Seventh-day Adventist Church (Georgia Cumberland Conference, North American Division) and was invited to support the Greek Mission as part of the Christ for Europe project. The series conducted from April 28 through May 3, ran with a bold title: “The Holy Spirit Comes Again to Athens”; and so, too, was its location: just stone’s throw away from Mars Hill, where Paul preached in ancient times. As Aguirre explains, “My purpose was to build on Paul preaching in Athens about the Holy Spirit (as recorded in Acts 17) but would like to say that more than preaching about the Holy Spirit, we prayed for and taught and sang and experienced the Holy Spirit!”

“We prayed for and taught and sang and experienced the Holy Spirit!” (Photo: TED)
“We prayed for and taught and sang and experienced the Holy Spirit!” (Photo: TED)

Greek Mission president, Claudio Gulyas, reports that with an attendance of 63 people on the first night, both members and visitors, attendance held well for the entire series. Aguirre commented, “Members and visitors alike displayed an exciting spirit for the Word and worship.” He continued, “It was an international audience with Greeks as well as people from Zambia, China, the Philippines, Ghana, Romania, Ireland, the UK, Serbia, France, Cypress, Cameroon, Tunisia, and the US—all in one place!”

With that said, was it an evangelistic outreach or member revival series? The answer is both because evangelism and revival go together. “A few decided for baptism,” says Ivan Novakovic, pastor of the Athens Filipino and International churches who is looking forward to building on the ministry of Aguirre.

Pastors Ivan Novakovic (far left) and visiting evangelist Glenn Aguirre (far right), flank members of the recently organised Athens youth church and their pastor, Moses Siwale (back row, fourth from far right). (Photo: TED)
Pastors Ivan Novakovic (far left) and visiting evangelist Glenn Aguirre (far right), flank members of the recently organised Athens youth church and their pastor, Moses Siwale (back row, fourth from far right). (Photo: TED)

“The highlight was seeing the church united in the mission, and for 11 days,” says Aguirre, “we experienced a revival.”

When the church experiences a visiting evangelist in the name and power of the Holy Spirit, something significant happens to both the evangelist and the church. Both are encouraged as members grow both deep and wide. As Aguirre explains:

I told the group on our last day, with sincere emotion, that I came fully expecting to bring the blessing from the Word of God, but they were the ones who were such a blessing to me. I have a renewed love and belief in public evangelism! Truly, the Holy Spirit is moving because if He can move as He is doing in a place like Greece, He can move anywhere! Public evangelism again taught me that there are those who attend who we expected, but there will always be those who attend who we didn’t expect, and for that reason, we must continue to do this kind of work! As I headed for home from Athens, I was reminded of a text from Revelation 10:11 [KJV]: “And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.” May we prophesy again—and again!—and again!—until He comes!

Pastor Glenn Aguirre leads a follow-on series for members at the Athens Central Church. (Photo: TED)
Pastor Glenn Aguirre leads a follow-on series for members at the Athens Central Church. (Photo: TED)


Another Christ for Europe project was held 300 miles (approx. 500 kilometers) north of Athens in a place called Thessaloniki, a city with a population of 814,000. Here, Adventists were developing a documentary on the life of Paul. 

Spearheaded by the General Conference Communication and Media director, Williams Costa, the documentary aims to show Greece as more than a land of myths, heroes, philosophy, brilliant sunshine, and blue-green sea. As Yannis Samaras, Thessaloniki pastor and lead script writer explains, “Greece is the first country in Europe to embrace one of the three pillars of Western and consequently world civilization. The first pillar was ancient Greek philosophy, the second, Roman law. But then came a third and unexpected pillar: Christianity!”

The three half-hour-long series will follow in the footsteps of Paul as he traveled through Greece and will attempt to capture his passion for sharing the news of the risen Christ. For this particular Christ for Europe project, the aim is not to share Christ—at this point in time—through public meetings but to create a lasting digital evangelistic resource to support the 500 Greek Mission members as they seek to witness to the 10 million residents nationwide. Still deeply immersed in the Greek Orthodox tradition, consumerism and secularism are the new constants chipping away at what has gone before.

An Orthodox priest reads scripture at the Vlatadon Monastery in Thessaloniki founded circa 1351. (Photo: TED)
An Orthodox priest reads scripture at the Vlatadon Monastery in Thessaloniki founded circa 1351. (Photo: TED)

The documentary, expected to be completed by 2024 with the primary narrative in Greek, will also be translated into English and a number of other languages.

For the Greek Mission, the Athens series of public meetings and the In the Footsteps of Paul documentary are just two features of perhaps a new dawn for the mission under the leadership of Gulyas (president) and Yannis Vrakas (secretary-treasurer). In addition, plans are underway for the development of an Athens-based center of influence, a media suite, and an outreach ministry to university students spearheaded by the Athens Youth Church.

Stay tuned to tedNEWS for further reports about the work of the Greek Mission and more reports from across the TED about Christ for Europe.

About Christ for Europe

Christ for Europe is an evangelistic endeavor of the General Conference’s Total Member Involvement initiative, partnering with the three European divisions to conduct evangelistic meetings across 38 countries. To read more about its aims and objectives, go to

The original version of this story was posted on the Trans-European Division website.

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