Book shows how to prepare for country life

Guide points the way and provides answers about the benefits of life outside major cities (Photo: Photo courtesy of the South American Division)

South American Division

Book shows how to prepare for country life

Work provides practical guidance for those who want to clarify doubts and avoid a hasty and frustrated experience

Brazil | André Oliveira

When the time came for the destruction of Sodom, God sent messengers to call Lot and his family out of that perverted city, thus avoiding the consequences of continuing to live in a degraded society.

Similarly, God's people are called to leave the big cities and go to secluded places where they could have a simple life. This appeal was made through Ellen G. White in the book Vida no Campo

However, should this invitation be hastily and recklessly obeyed? Isn't planning necessary when deciding to move to the countryside? In fact, is everyone really called to live in the countryside? How long should it take between deciding to respond to this call from God and executing that guidance? What should be the distance between the chosen place to live in the countryside and the urban centers?

What knowledge should be acquired before starting the new experience? What professional and financial arrangements should be made before leaving on this journey? And above all, what can be done to contribute to the Church's mission in the context of country life?

To answer these questions and guide people who might have difficulty adapting when trying to move to the countryside, the book From the City to the Countryside was prepared . The book was written by Arthur L. White and E.A. Sutherland, both men that had a deep and successful experience with life in the country and who compiled important guidelines to favor the experience of all who wish to pursue this calling.

First launched in the United States in 1950, Da Cidade para o Campo targets the Portuguese-speaking public and acts as a supplement to the book Vida no Campo . The book has 79 pages, is divided into 11 chapters and includes an appendix.

It shows the reasons for moving, God's promises to those who make that decision, and how to choose where to move. In addition, it presents guidelines on the care of the vegetable garden, agricultural enterprises, benefits of a more natural life and the dedication of life and resources to missionary work.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site