(Photo by: Andrii Tsybakov)
Oblast, Ukraine | Andrii Tsybakov

The Adventist Church in Ukraine rejoiced as over 50 individuals gave their hearts to Jesus. The baptismal service was held on December 11, 2022 in Dnipro and brought together representatives of Adventist communities from the Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Donetsk regions, including those from the frontline settlements in Ukraine.

People of different ages, including immigrants from the occupied territories, joined the church that day. One of the baptized individuals made a covenant with the Lord on his 70th birthday.

(Photo by: Andrii Tsybakov)

(Photo by: Andrii Tsybakov)

The service was attended by all pastors of the communities of Dnipro, as well as guests from other communities of the region. They performed musical numbers, prayed, and served as a confession of faith for the baptized.

The service was also attended by the youth choir Adventus, which recently resumed its rehearsals after a long break due to military operations.

(Photo by: Andrii Tsybakov)

(Photo by: Andrii Tsybakov)

The rite of baptism was performed by Oleksiy Korobka, and the words of blessing were spoken by Lev Vertilo, the leader of the Adventist Church in the East Dnipro region.

The original version of this story was posted on the Ukrainian Union Conference Ukrainian-language news site.
