South Pacific Division

Adventist Teachers Complete Counseling Training in the Solomons

Training will equip educators with essential skills and knowledge to enhance their counseling capabilities within their roles.

Solomon Islands
Denver Newter/Kiera Bridcutt, with ANN Staff
The teachers received certificates at the end of their training. [Photo Credit: ADRA Solomons Facebook page]

The teachers received certificates at the end of their training. [Photo Credit: ADRA Solomons Facebook page]

Thirty-four teachers from Adventist high schools in the Solomon Islands have successfully completed a comprehensive three-day counseling training program in Honiara.

The training was held in the dining hall of Betikama Adventist College (BAC) in East Honiara from April 1-3, 2024.

The training was funded by the Thrift family in Australia, administered through the ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) Australia, and carried out by ADRA Solomon Islands with the support of the Betikama school administration. Dr. Leeroy Elisha, head of the Department of Education at Pacific Adventist University (PAU) in Papua New Guinea, facilitated the training.

“It’s a privilege for me to share and provide counseling skills to our educators and educate them on effective counseling techniques used for supporting students in their schools,” Dr. Elisha said.

Representatives from various Adventist schools, including Kopiu Adventist High School in East Guadalcanal, Burns Creek Adventist High School in East Honiara, Kukum Adventist High School in Central Honiara, Luluga Adventist High School in Northeast Guadalcanal, Townend Adventist High School (TAHS) in Auki, Malaita Province, and Tenakoga Adventist High School, attended the training.

Gibson Apusae, project officer for ADRA’s Betikama School Wellbeing Project, said the aim of the training was to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge to enhance their counseling capabilities within their educational roles in schools.

“The training aimed to empower teachers to act as counselors in their schools, assisting students who are facing various challenges in their school academic and personal life,” Apusae said.

“These teachers will now return to their schools and initiate counseling programs based on the knowledge gained from this training. This marks a significant milestone for Adventist schools in the country, being the first of its kind to happen,” he added.

Apusae expressed appreciation to the Thrift family for funding the training and commended ADRA Solomon Islands and the Betikama administration team for facilitating the program.

Steward Legho, TAHS principal expressed appreciation to ADRA and the BAC administration for organizing the training.

“I am delighted to have participated in this counseling training, which has equipped me with the skills to effectively counsel students in my school,” Mr Ben said.

“Despite being a principal, I lacked the confidence and expertise to provide counseling to students facing challenges. However, this training has broadened my understanding and provided me with valuable insights into conducting counseling in the school I am teaching,” he shared.

The original article was published on the South Pacific Division website, Adventist Record.

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