During February 10 and 11, 2024, under the motto created by Adventist bikers “In every ride, a mission”, 18 members of the Adventist Motorcycle Ministry (AMM) of Argentina were present at the tenth edition of the International Motoencuentro en lo Más Alto of the Christ the Redeemer World 2024 in Uspallata, province of Mendoza, Argentina.
Thanks to the support of Granix with its products, ACES with its books, and other donors, the group managed to provide food to thousands of participants. “The objective was to show Christ in this meeting,” the ministry details.
These contributions supported various activities such as offering free breakfast early on Sunday to all motorcyclists. "Together with breakfast we gave one book to each biker. It was a small [book titled] Impact of Hope given to more than 3 thousand motorcyclists,” commented members of the AMM.
They also offered a snack along with a book at the top of the mountain to the motorcyclists who came up from the Chilean side.
“We feel like we were in the story of Gideon and his 300 soldiers. There were 18 of us that served more than 3,000 bikers, and with God's help, we served everyone,” its members reflect. They added, “Another story that we remember on this mission was that of the loaves and fishes. Thanks to Granix we had cookies to share. We also shared fruits such as plums, peaches, and melons that were donated to us. This shows us how God answers us when we seek Him with all our hearts."
AMM at Camporee
The Ministry was also present at the national Pathfinder Camporee held in Rivadavia, Mendoza, from February 14 to 18, 2024. “We had the opportunity to present and disseminate the Adventist Motorcycle Ministry there,” they say.
The meeting that brought together Pathfinders from all over the country was the epicenter of an exciting ceremony. Ismael, an active member of Adventist motorcycle riders and father of a Pathfinder, decided to surprise his family and give his life to God through baptism.
This surrender to God began several months before. During last year's motorcycle meeting in Mendoza, Néstor Espíndola, national coordinator of the Adventist Motorcycle Ministry, visited Ismael in Chilecito, La Rioja. “Just a year ago, I went to Mendoza and they told me about this boy. We contacted him and I visited him. There began a relationship where we were able to do Bible studies and finally Ismael made the decision to be rebaptized,” he comments.
During the event, Ismael was baptized by Pastor Pablo Geronazzo, director of Evangelism of the Adventist Church in Argentina, who was also invested as a member of the two-wheeled ministry.
How the Ministry Arose
Being part of this ministry that already has 105 registered and seven headquarters in Argentina, Néstor points out that for him it is a “continuation of the Pathfinder Club." He states, "I was in the club for 35 years, and when you are older you have this motorcycle club to join and continue preaching the Gospel to others.”
The idea was born in October 2008 in the mind of Miguel Jesús Domínguez and five Adventist pastors in Florida, United States, who along with 60 other people started the project. This group resolved that it would not be a MotoClub but a ministry, to make other motorcyclists know the kingdom of God and win people for heaven.
Juan Santos Seriendo, president of AMM USA at that time, was in charge of the expansion of the ministry, covering the American territory and reaching other countries such as Australia, Canada, Hungary, India, Nepal, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, and some African countries.
In August 2015, Néstor Espíndola found the ministry through a Facebook page and contacted them in Brazil. In September of that year he participated in a solidarity caravan for Children's Day in Brazil, in the city of Maringá. In December 2015, having completed the necessary requirements and on the occasion of the first International AMM meeting in Guairá, state of Paraná, Brazil, Néstor was appointed director of AMM Argentina.
“AMM Argentina is a group of motorcyclists who love to serve God and who, with their own resources, go out to ride with a purpose, obeying the request of our Lord Jesus: therefore, go and make disciples of all the tribes," concludes the ministry.
This article was published on the South American Division's Spanish news site.