South American Division

Adventist Church in Southern Ecuador Trains 813 Children to be Evangelists

This project aims to strengthen the missionary spirit of the little ones so that they become preachers.


Andrea Delgado and Norka Choque
Children in the south west of Guayaquil are trained to evangelize in 2024. [Photo: Comunicaciones MES]

Children in the south west of Guayaquil are trained to evangelize in 2024. [Photo: Comunicaciones MES]

813 Adventist children in southern Ecuador began the "Evangelism Kids" training day on Saturday, February 17. This discipleship project is based on continuous training, and aims to strengthen the missionary spirit of the little ones, so that they become preachers and fishers of other children for Christ.

The training process will allow participants to recognize and feel that doing mission is like living “a wonderful journey” with “four main stops,” which are the areas to develop: intercessory prayer, missionary couples, small groups, and child preachers.

The churches were decorated with the theme of the project, in addition, the materials were delivered, with the evangelism kit to the little ones, who accepted this call with a smile on their faces, and the hope of bringing the message of salvation to their children. little friends.

Bella Bastidas, leader of the Children's Ministry in the South of the country (Adventists MES), pointed out that: “Kids Evangelism is designed to strengthen the new generations in our church. We focus on Small Groups, here, they will be able to work on the manuals, workshops, do activities, and recreate. That is why we consider it a powerful tool for the advancement of the mission, because our children are part of the preaching plan in our churches.”

During this year, in all the missionary districts of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the southern part of the country, this discipleship project will be implemented for children from 6 to 12 years old with the accompaniment of their parents and local leaders of the Children's Ministry.

The original article was published on the South American Division Spanish news site.

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