More than 70 people from Australia and New Zealand celebrated 175 years of Adventist literature at the 2024 Literature Evangelism (LE) Summit. Held in Yellingbo, Australia, from October 1–6, 2024, the event included inspiring presentations, a service recognition night, a live Sabbath Singalong by Sandra Entermann, and shared LE stories of faith.
“In 2024, we celebrate 175 years since the printing of the first Adventist publication,” said Almir Marroni, Publishing Ministries director at the Seventh-day Adventist Church's General Conference, and one of the key speakers at the summit. He acknowledged the importance of literature evangelists in his presentation, observing that “books do not walk, nor do they reach the hands of readers without the participation of a messenger.”
Literature Ministry Coordinator for Australia and New Zealand Brenton Lowe agreed, describing literature evangelism as “an important frontline ministry that provides opportunities to build friendships within the community and share life-changing books and media.”
According to Lowe, the past year has seen notable accomplishments for literature evangelists. “The team has shared more than 90,000 pieces of literature, brought 243 people to church or evangelistic meetings, prayed with more than 3000 people, started Bible studies with 225 people, and led to 17 baptisms. It may be 175 years since the first Adventist publication was printed, but God is still using literature to reach the world for Him today.”
Conference leaders and 25 young people also participated in Youth Rush training for emerging leaders. Summit training included specialized sessions on networking, client referrals, and pop-up bookstores.

“I loved seeing so many of our youth engaging with Youth Rush,” said Nicu Dumbrava, Personal Ministries director for the Australian Union Conference. “I felt inspired by their enthusiasm to share their faith in Jesus with others through literature.”
Marroni agreed, describing literature evangelists as examples of God’s impact on the world. During one of his presentations, he appealed to the audience to see literature evangelism as not just a job, but as a way of life.
The original article was published on the South Pacific Division news site, Adventist Record.