Southern Asia-Pacific Division

Hope Channel Philippines Breaks Ground for New Building

Groundbreaking ceremony marks leap of faith and demonstrates growth of the gospel work in the Philippines.

Silang, Cavite, Philippines

Melo Anadem Ong, North Philippine Union Conference
Hope Channel Philippines Breaks Ground for New Building

[Photo: Hope Channel Philippines]

The groundbreaking ceremony for Hope Channel Philippines (HCP) marks another leap of faith and demonstrates the growth of the gospel work in the Philippines. Leaders from the Communication Department and Hope Channel Media Centers in the Southern-Asia Pacific Division (SSD), the Adventist regional office in Southeast Asia, and the regional offices throughout the Philippines attended the milestone event, which took place on November 5, 2024, at the Adventist University of the Philippines (AUP) campus. Presidents from the four Philippine unions, contractors, lawyers, and HCP staff—key individuals who have played integral roles in advancing HCP—were also present to show their support.

The program began with Danielo Palomares, president of Southeast Philippine Union Mission (SePUM), providing a brief history of HCP, which started in 2011, and acknowledging the pioneering effort of Jonathan Catolico, HCP’s first president, who was also in attendance.

In his welcome remarks, Heshbon Buscato, Communication Director of SSD, shared his joy over this new development for the church’s broadcast ministry. He remarked, “This is God’s blessing. God allows people to make plans, but it is God who blesses and brings them to fruition. This project is ambitious. It will be hard financially, but God will provide the resources needed.”

Dr. Arceli Rosario, president of AUP, also expressed her excitement that the project, discussed as early as 2022, is finally coming together. She conveyed how grateful she is that church leaders have seen AUP as a strategic location for HCP. Since the university has developmental communication students, they can gain hands-on experience, and in turn, the channel benefits from fresh talents. She added, “Together, we can make great and mighty things for the Lord—things beyond our imagination. The work of the Lord will be finished, and we praise God that AUP is part of something great that is about to come.”

Project contractor Desmond Diaz then provided an overview of the building’s features, detailing that it will include an archive section in the lobby to allow visitors easy access to the history of God’s providence to HCP. The building will have a holding area, make-up room, pantry, a large studio with high ceilings for flexible lighting setups, and adaptable backdrops to support three large-scale productions. There will also be two mini-studios for smaller productions. In addition, the entire facility will be designed to be accessible for people with disabilities to encourage them to serve through media ministry.

Diaz shared, “God in His mercy and faithfulness has chosen this place to be the right place, this time to be the right time, these leaders to be the right leaders, this project to be the right project, to bring the right message, songs, and contents, so people will end up in the right place.”

Dr. Micael Palar, Hope Channel Coordinator for SSD, inspired the attendees, saying, “I admire you because you continue to dream big to accomplish the Lord’s mission.” Quoting Isaiah 66:19, he emphasized that through Hope Channel the gospel message will reach every island in the Philippines. Closing his message, he encouraged, “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for Him.”

To conclude the ceremony, Sherman Fiedacan, HCP president, conveyed his appreciation to everyone for their support and dedication to the HC ministry.

The original article is published on the North Philippine Union Conference website.

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